Programmer and Technologist

I'm currently working at a semiconductor manufacturing company in the Portland area. I work with hardware and develop a Python-based automation framework for stress testing high-speed I/O endpoint devices. I started programming in 2009 with C++/assembly language, which is when I first learned about data structures, algorithms, multithreading and socket programming. I have written game and physics engines from scratch, worked with game AI like flocking and pathfinding algorithms, and lots of graphics programming (namely DirectX and HLSL). After college, I obtained certifications in IT and networking, and I develop utility software and mobile apps in my free time.

Kevin Crepps

Photo of Me

I follow agile and test-driven development (TDD) methodologies, and write consistent, readable, and exception-safe code with an iterative approach. I also have knowledge of preproduction hardware debugging, I'm able to manage enterprise branch networks, and I'm a fairly advanced Linux administrator. Take a look at my resume below, and scroll down for some examples of my work.



Here are a few of my recent solo projects. The first two are games for Windows and mobile,
and the second two are Windows utilities - click their icons for documentation.

Tetris in C++

Tetris 2

C++, DirectX, FMOD
Wordbomb in C#


C#, Unity



C++, C++/CLI (.NET Framework)


C++, C++/CLI (.NET Framework)


The following makes up the back end of the MirageZip utility, shown in which are some elementary concepts and design
techniques I've highlighted - click the items on the right to scroll to the relevant code and display an explanation.

	 * @file   miragezip.h
	 * @brief  This file defines the interface for the MirageZip
	 *         back end, and provides functions for setting a password
	 *         and evaluating its strength, zipping and encrypting
	 *         imported files with libzip, and concatenating the
	 *         archive with an imported image file.
	 * @author Kevin Crepps
	 * @date   August 2024
	#pragma once

	#include <sstream>
	#include <fstream>
	#include <filesystem>
	#include <memory>

	#include <Windows.h>

	#include "zip.h"

	* Custom return codes specifying that
	* a given operation:
	* - Succeeded (0)
	* - Failed and aborting is recommended (1)
	* - Failed but program can safely continue (2)
	#define SUCCESS 0
	#define FAILURE_ABORT 1

	* Constants used in determining password strength.
	#define WEAK_SCORE 2
	#define MEDIUM_SCORE 3
	#define STRONG_SCORE 4
	#define MEDIUM_LENGTH 8
	#define STRONG_LENGTH 12
	#define NUM_SETS 4

	class MirageZip
		* Used to specify path type with SetPath().
		enum PATH_TYPE

		* @brief
		* Password containing null terminator is indicative of initial
		* state. Call private function Init() to create app data folder.
		MirageZip() : password("\0") { Init(); }

		* @brief
		* Stores error description for later retrieval using GetError().
		* Overloaded for rvalues.
		inline void SetError(std::string&& arg) noexcept { error = std::move(arg); }

		* @brief
		* Stores error description for later retrieval using GetError().
		* Overloaded for lvalues.
		inline void SetError(const std::string& arg) noexcept { error = arg; }

		* @brief
		* Retrieve exception info and other error messages set
		* internally with SetError().
		inline std::string GetError() const noexcept { return error; }

		* @brief
		* User sets the path of an image, file(s), and export location,
		* specified with PATH_TYPE enum defined above.
		void SetPath(PATH_TYPE, const std::string&) noexcept;

		* @brief
		* Use point system to evaluate password strength based on
		* character diversity and length.
		* @return
		* Returns password strength score indicating:
		*   weak - fewer than three points
		*   medium - three points
		*   strong - four points
		unsigned int TestPassword(const std::string&) const noexcept;

		* @brief
		* Set the password after evaluating, used to encrypt file
		* archive in ZipFile().
		inline void SetPassword(const std::string& arg) noexcept { password = arg; }

		* @brief
		* Zip and password-protect files using libzip functions.
		* @return
		* Custom return code defined at the top of miragezip.h.
		unsigned int ZipFile();

		* @brief
		* Combines image and archive using Windows copy command
		* with binary flag, issued through CreateProcessA().
		unsigned int Concatenate() const;

		* @brief
		* Get path of new zip file - used in HideFile().
		inline const char* GetArchivePath() const noexcept { return archivePath.c_str(); }

		~MirageZip() {}

		std::string error,      // Error info buffer, set in SetError()
			archivePath,        // Path to zip; this is set in CreateAppData()
			imagePath,          // Path to user-selected image file
			filePath,           // Path to user-selected file to be zipped
			exportPath,         // Destination of output file
			password;           // Password used to encrypt archive

		struct stat Statinfo;   /* Used for checking whether
								directory exists with stat() */

		* Character set types used in password evaluation.
		enum CHAR_TYPE

		* @brief
		* Called from the constructor. CreateAppData is run from here.
		* If unable to create directory, user is notified, program terminates.
		void Init();

		* @brief
		* Checks for existence of %LOCALAPPDATA%\MirageZip, attempts to
		* create it if it doesn't exist.
		* @return
		* Custom return code defined at the top of miragezip.h.
		unsigned int CreateAppData();

	* @brief
	* Non-member non-friend function attempts to zip file,
	* combine it with image, then purge app data files.
	extern unsigned int HideFile(MirageZip*);

	* @file   miragezip.cpp
	* @brief  MirageZip implementation.
	* @author Kevin Crepps
	* @date   August 2024

	#include "miragezip.h"
	void MirageZip::Init()
		/* If %LOCALAPPDATA%\MirageZip doesn't exist, and
            attempt to create it fails, notify user and abort */

		if (CreateAppData())
			MessageBoxA(NULL, GetError().c_str(), "Failed to create app data folder.", MB_OK);

	unsigned int MirageZip::CreateAppData()
			// Set archivePath member, check whether folder already exists
			std::string path{ getenv("LOCALAPPDATA") };
			path += "\\MirageZip";
			archivePath = path + "\\archive.zip";
			stat(path.c_str(), &Statinfo);

			// If directory doesn't exist, create it
			if (!(Statinfo.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
				std::error_code err;

				if (!std::filesystem::create_directories(path, err))
					std::stringstream msg("Error code: ");
					msg << err;
					return FAILURE_ABORT;

			return SUCCESS;
		catch (...)
			SetError("Unknown exception thrown.");
			return FAILURE_ABORT;
	void MirageZip::SetPath(PATH_TYPE type, const std::string& path) noexcept
		switch (type)
		case IMAGE:
			imagePath = path;

		case FILE:
			filePath = path;
		case EXPORT:
			exportPath = path;

	unsigned int MirageZip::TestPassword(const std::string& pw) const noexcept
		bool found[NUM_SETS]{ false, false, false, false };
		char lowerSet[]{ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" },
			numberSet[]{ "0123456789" },
			charSet[]{ "!@#$%^&*()-_=+,.<>/?|[]{}:;~\'\"\\" };
		char* sets[NUM_SETS]{ lowerSet, upperSet, numberSet, charSet };
		float points{ 0.0f };

		 /* Compare each character in password to each character set if not yet matched,
			add half a point for each character set with one or more instances
			of lowercase, uppercase, digits or special characters in password   */

		for (auto& c : pw)
			for (unsigned char type = LOWER; type < NUM_SETS; ++type)
				if (!found[type])
					if (strchr(sets[type], c))
						points += 0.5f;
						found[type] = true;

		// If pass is medium length (less than 12), add one point if it has at least three character types
		if (pw.length() >= MEDIUM_LENGTH && pw.length() < STRONG_LENGTH && points >= 1.5f)

		// If strong length, add two points if it has at least two character types
		else if (pw.length() >= STRONG_LENGTH && points >= 1.0f)
			points += 2;

		/*     strong - four points
			   medium - three points
				weak - fewer than three points    */
		return (unsigned int)std::floor(points);
	unsigned int MirageZip::ZipFile()
	    /* This function will read file data into a buffer, zip the file using the buffer, and encrypt
the data using 256-bit AES if a password has been set by the user. Error handling is done in
HideFile() */
// Create archive and open std::remove(archivePath.c_str()); int errCode = 0; zip* archive = zip_open(archivePath.c_str(), ZIP_CREATE, &errCode); if (!archive) return FAILURE_ABORT; // Open file, get size std::ifstream file(filePath, std::ios::binary); if (!file.is_open()) return FAILURE_ABORT; file.seekg(0, std::ios::end); int fileSize = file.tellg(); file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // Store file data in resource management object, close file std::unique_ptr<char[]> fileData(new char[fileSize]); file.read(fileData.get(), fileSize); file.close(); // Get filename from file path std::string fileName(filePath); size_t strPos = fileName.find_last_of("\\"); fileName.erase(0, strPos + 1); // Zip file using buffer zip_source_t* source; source = zip_source_buffer(archive, fileData.get(), fileSize, 0); if (!source) return FAILURE_ABORT; zip_file_add(archive, fileName.c_str(), source, 0); // Encrypt archive if password was set if (password != "\0") zip_file_set_encryption(archive, 0, ZIP_EM_AES_256, password.c_str()); // Close archive zip_close(archive); return SUCCESS; } unsigned int MirageZip::Concatenate() const { /* Execute Windows system command to combine files, e.g.: COPY /B <image path> + <archive path> <destination path> Error handling is done in HideFile() */ STARTUPINFOA info{ sizeof(info) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo; std::stringstream cmd{ "" }; cmd << "/c COPY /B \"" << imagePath << "\" + \"" << archivePath << "\" \"" << exportPath << "\""; if (CreateProcessA("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", cmd.str().data(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &info, &processInfo)) { WaitForSingleObject(processInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); return SUCCESS; } return FAILURE_ABORT; } // -- External -- unsigned int HideFile(MirageZip* obj) { // Attempt to zip selected file try { obj->ZipFile(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { obj->SetError(e.what()); return FAILURE_ABORT; } catch (...) { obj->SetError("Exception thrown while attempting to zip file."); return FAILURE_ABORT; } // Attempt to concatenate image and temp archive try { obj->Concatenate(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { obj->SetError(e.what()); return FAILURE_ABORT; } catch (...) { obj->SetError("Exception thrown while attempting to concatenate files."); return FAILURE_ABORT; } // Attempt to delete temp archive try { std::remove(obj->GetArchivePath()); } catch (const std::exception& e) { obj->SetError(e.what()); return FAILURE_CONTINUE; } catch (...) { obj->SetError("Exception thrown while attempting to remove temp archive."); return FAILURE_CONTINUE; } return SUCCESS; }



Please send me a short message with your phone number, and I'll give you a call.

Hillsboro, OR
Phone: (530) 859-1130
Email: kevin.crepps@outlook.com

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