
HexLoader is a utility for packing library files into a standalone executable.

Your bin and DLLs are hex dumped and formatted into comma-separated bytes, then the data is
embedded into a source file along with loader/installer code, and compiled into a single executable.

This is intended for use with lightweight applications that don't really need an installer, but can't
statically link the required libraries.


Running the new executable will silently write your files to the specified temp directory, and launch
the original executable. If 'Cleanup Thread' is enabled, after launching, a process will run in the
background until your application closes, at which point the process will remove the files from the
temp directory and terminate.


Running the new executable will spawn a series of message boxes, prompting the user to confirm the
installation directory, whether to create a desktop shortcut, whether to automatically start the
application when Windows starts, and whether to run the application after installing.